Sooke Karate sent a small team to the Victoria Open Karate Championships this weekend - 3 competitors, 1 coach and 1 referee. We brought home a combined 6 medals - 1 gold, 1 silver and 4 bronze, despite challenge mode being activated for our students!  

Due to numbers, the 7 and under category was merged with the 8/9 for novice girls. So our 6 year old competitor was up against 3 8-9 year olds. Our 8 year old student however we pushed her very intentionally - she challenged up to the 10/11 novice division and still took home a gold and a bronze medal. Very proud of both of our students both for taking on the challenge and for going boldly ahead.

Sensei Nick as well as medalling in both kata and kumite (sparring) also achieved his Provincial Judge A certification - the second highest level of official managed by Karate BC.

Looking forward to next tournament season (starts in late October or early November). So plenty of time to get involved and ready to compete in a novice division.  Classes continue to be on Mondays and Thursdays and we'd love to have more tournament interested folks. Great experience at any age and learning to win or lose gracefully is a great lesson for the younger karateka.

Thanks to Kenzen Karate for hosting, and all of the many volunteers and officials for running the tournament! Special shout out to Sensei Pete as head official for the event and Brendan for running the officials course before the tournament. Always great to see old friends both on the mat and behind the tables! Also much personal appreciation for the strong focus on safety that zone 6 and the whole of karate BC had embraced to build up athletes in a martial art while preventing injuries. 

Also from Sensei Suzi and Sensei Nick a personal vote of thanks to the parents who came and spent the day!